GFW Pro User Spotlight: ofi (Olam Food Ingredients)
ofi sources ingredients like coffee and cocoa from a global network of over one million farmers. They use GFW Pro to assess deforestation risk in their supply chains and to inform decisions on the ground. Learn more about how they use GFW Pro and why they think it should be the industry standard tool for monitoring land use change.

3 Ways GFW Pro can Help Commodity Processors and Traders Go Deforestation-Free
Deforestation-free regulation and obligations to monitor and report on supply chain climate impacts are here to stay. While diverse tools are now available to meet these companies’ needs, each applying different methods and offering different capabilities, GFW Pro, the supply chains edition of Global Forest Watch (GFW), offers a reliable, cost-effective baseline for deforestation assessment.

Desmascarando 3 mitos sobre monitoramento de desmatamento para o EUDR
Neste blog, lançamos luz à três mitos comuns e explicamos como as empresas podem usar dados de código aberto como os do GFW Pro para a conformidade com o EUDR.

Cómo superar 3 mitos sobre el monitoreo de la deforestación para el EUDR
En este blog, desglosamos tres mitos comunes y explicamos cómo las empresas pueden utilizar eficazmente datos de código abierto como GFW Pro para el cumplimiento del EUDR.

Busting 3 Myths about Deforestation Monitoring for the EUDR
There are many misconceptions about EUDR deforestation monitoring and what is required for due diligence. In this blog, we break down three common myths and explain how companies can effectively use open-source data like that on GFW Pro for EUDR compliance.

GFW Enables Finance for Agroforestry in Peru
GFW’s deforestation assessment tools are being used to evaluate applications for a new credit line to promote and financially support sustainable agroforestry in Peru.

Customer Testimonial: Cargill
Hear from Cargill on how they use GFW Pro to monitor deforestation risks and track progress towards their commitment to transforming their supply chain to be deforestation-free by 2030.

Cómo GFW Pro respalda el cumplimiento del EUDR
A medida que se aproxima la fecha límite para el cumplimiento de las regulaciones del Reglamento de Deforestación de la Unión Europea, las empresas están haciendo todos los esfuerzos para garantizar el cumplimiento con las normas de diligencia debida pero frente a la proliferación de herramientas y datos de monitoreo, ¿cómo pueden saber qué herramienta es la mejor para sus necesidades?

Customer Testimonial: Olam Food Ingredients (ofi)
Olam Food Ingredients (Ofi) on how they use GFW Pro for active monitoring of hundreds of thousands of farms across 40 countries for coffee, cocoa, spices, nuts and dairy to see deforestation and land use change results.

How GFW Pro supports EUDR compliance
GFW Pro provides a robust starting point for meeting the EUDR’s due diligence requirements, making deforestation monitoring accessible, reliable and affordable at a global scale.

Apoio a finanças sustentáveis na América Latina
GFW Pro, o Banco interamericano de desenvolvimento (BID) e o Protocolo de finanças sustentáveis na Argentina realizaram um workshop regional para apresentar as novas ferramentas analíticas da América Latina (LATAM) que podem ajudar as partes interessadas a monitorar seus portfólios quanto ao risco de desmatamento para atender às exigências legais nacionais, às regulamentações comerciais e às demandas do mercado global.

Apoyo a las finanzas sostenibles en LATAM
GFW Pro, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Protocolo de Finanzas Sostenibles de Argentina organizaron un taller regional para presentar nuevas herramientas analíticas de Latinoamérica (LATAM) que pueden ayudar a los actores interesados a monitorear sus carteras del riesgo de deforestación, para cumplir con los requisitos legales nacionales, las regulaciones comerciales y las demandas del mercado global.

Supporting Sustainable Finance in LATAM
GFW Pro recently participated in events in Argentina and Paraguay focusing on how the finance sector can leverage technology to monitor their portfolios for deforestation risk to meet national legal requirements, trade regulations and global market demands.

GFW Pro’s New Deforestation KPIs Support Companies with Voluntary and Mandatory Reporting
GFW Pro’s new Deforestation Reporting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), now available to all users, ensure organizations can comply with voluntary and regulatory disclosure requirements, including the EUDR, more easily.

GFW Pro’s Partnership with TRACT in the news
Through the TRACT platform, companies will be able to access GFW’s trusted data and analytics critical for identifying and addressing environmental risks.

New cocoa risk map on GFW Pro
The Cocoa Deforestation Risk Assessment provides a standardized view of cocoa-driven deforestation risk across Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, and is now available as a map layer on GFW Pro.

GFW Pro Analysis of Argentina’s Forest Data Helps Companies Comply with National Law
GFW Pro has released new data that maps native forests in Argentina according to their conservation value, making it possible to assess potential deforestation in high conservation value areas as required under national law.